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File extension Details of INTR, P3D, P3D, PAC, PAK, PAK, PAK, PAK, PAK

File Type:Assassins's Creed game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Assassins's Creed.
Open Programs:

Assassin's Creed

Company / developer:
  Ubisoft Entertainment

Assassin’s Creed is the next-gen game developed by Ubisoft Montreal that will redefine the action genre. While other games claim to be next-gen with impressive graphics and physics, Assassin’s Creed merges technology, game design, theme, and emotions into a world where you instigate chaos and become a vulnerable, yet powerful, agent of change.

The setting is 1191 AD. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You, Altair, intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict.

You are an Assassin, a warrior shrouded in secrecy and feared for your ruthlessness. Your actions can throw your immediate environment into chaos, and your existence will shape events during this pivotal moment in history.

Key Features

  • Be an Assassin
    Master the skills, tactics, and weapons of history’s deadliest and most secretive clan of warriors. Plan your attacks, strike without mercy, and fight your way to escape.
  • Realistic and responsive environments
    Crowds react to your moves and will either help or hinder you on your quests.
  • Action with a new dimension – total freedom
    Eliminate your targets wherever, whenever, and however. Stalk your prey through richly detailed, historically accurate, open-ended environments. Scale buildings, mount horses, blend in with crowds. Do whatever it takes to achieve your objectives.
  • Relive the epic times of the Crusades
    Assassin’s Creed immerses you in the realistic and historical Holy Land of the 12th century, featuring life-like graphics, ambience, and the subtle, yet detailed nuances of a living world.
  • Intense action rooted in reality
    Experience heavy action blended with fluid and precise animations. Use a wide range of medieval weapons, and face your enemies in realistic swordfight duels.
  • Next-gen gameplay
    The proprietary engine developed from the ground up for the next-gen console allows organic game design featuring open gameplay, intuitive control scheme, realistic interaction with environment, and a fluid, yet sharp, combat mechanic.
File Type:Operation Flashpoint game model
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Operation Flashpoint.
Open Programs:

Operation Flashpoint

Company / developer:
  Bohemia Interactive

Operation Flashpoint

Operation Flashpoint, developed by Bohemia Interactive and published by Codemasters, is a tactical combat action war game. It offers the player anunprecedented freedom of action, integrating command of large squadsand use of any available vehicles with total immersion. Player canexperience the best cold war military equipment - infantry, mobile,armor and aircraft - in large and detailed 3D environment.

File Type:Prototype game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Prototype. Game file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Discover what lies beyond the edge of evolution. An all-new, third-person open-world/action game, PROTOTYPE puts gamers at the helm of Alex Mercer -- a genetically mutated shape-shifter with no memory of his past hell-bent on solving the mystery of his existence -- as he tears through a densely populated New York City moving with Parkour-style fluidity and consuming anybody that gets in his way...assuming their physical identity, memories and abilities. Fueled by three key factions consisting of Alex, the Blackwatch (military) and a viral outbreak known as the Infected, players will venture into a deep, dark conspiracy 40 years in the making!

File Type:Pacman file
Category:Game file
File Description:Probably file extension used by computer game from Namco called Pac-man, but they are many versions of this game and cannot be controlled all.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.

Pac-Man is a arcade game developed by Namco and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway, first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. Immensely popular in the United States from its original release to the present day, Pac-Man is universally considered as one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game became a social phenomenon that sold a bevy of merchandise and also inspired, among other things, an animated television series, and music.
File Type:Blitzkrieg archive file
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains Blitzkrieg game files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Blitzkrieg Rolling Thunder

Company / developer:
  CDV Software Entertainment AG

Follow Patton from the landing in Casablanca through seven countries: Fight for Northern Africa, Operation Husky (battle for Sicily 1943), breakout from the Normandy bridgehead (Operation Cobra), the Race through France, Battle of the Bulge, Rhine crossing near Oppenheim, Commando Hammelburg (Patton's attempt to free his son-in-law from German imprisonment) and the capture of a secret underground weapon factory in Pilsen.

File Type:Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains Legend of Kyrandia 2 files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

If was to say Hand of Fate is best game ever created, I would probably be wrong (taking into account other great titles like Quest for Glory 1, Dragonsphere, and so on). That's why I'm going to say it like this: Hand of Fate is one of the best games ever created. This excellent game is the sequel to Legend of Kyrandia 1, and the predecessor of Malcom's revenge. In my opinion, HoF is the best game in the series, although I only played a small part of Legend of Kyrandia 1. But enough of that as this is a review for HoF, and not some other title in the series.

In this second part of the trilogy you play the part of Zanthia, the youngest of the order of Kyrandia mystics. The story goes like this: Kyrandia is slowly dissapearing (trees vanishing into thin air right before your eyes and things like that). The only solution to save the land is to find the anchorstone, located in the centre of the world.

You start the game in your hut. This is when you find out that all your belongings have been stolen. The hut is trashed and Zanthia is very upset. The first two things you need to obtain are the cauldron, and the recipe book. With these two, you will be able to concoct all sorts of potions, which you will need throughout the game. There are numerous puzzles, many of which are not simple, and require some neurons to be wasted :) However, there are also some puzzles which can be solved only by trial and error, simply because you don’t know what you're supposed to do. You're all probably wondering what's so great about this game. Well, where do I start?

Graphics? Stunning! Just look at the screenshots to the right, they say a million words. There are also wonderful animations. The game also has a short intro movie, which describes the desperate situation very well. The music is simply gorgeous, and the sounds are great. Also, the game is very fun to play. In fact the graphics style and the humorous dialogues are characteristic of Westwood, so if you haven't played any of their games before, this is an excellent opportunity to do so. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

Anything else I'm forgetting here? Oh yes, what's the hand doing in the title? Well, the hand helps in some parts of the game. In fact it helps you right at the beginning, by telling you where to get the anchorstone.

Closing thoughts: Another gem from my favorite computer company, Westwood (before it was bought by EA)

File Type:Lands of Lore archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains Lands of Lore game files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Lands of Lore

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Lands of Lore, another gem from Westwood, is a fantasy RPG which follows the same path that the AD&D giants (Eye of the Beholder, Pool of Radiance, etc.) took to glory. It delivers solid entertainment, with countless hours of fun and action. But let's move on to the actual plot of the game.

The Lands were once ruled by a race called the Ancients. They were all-powerful gods. The age they ruled over was known as the golden age, as the Drakoid chronicles tell us. During this time, the Ancients kept a steady peace. There was no want, and the people lived in harmony, as the Ancients provided for all. But the golden age would not last for long. A terrible war gripped the Lands, a war born of awesome power and evil wills. This was a war of dominance between the most powerful gods and would be known to history as the War of the Heretics. No higher beings survived the war; the Ancients succumbed. This left the people unattended, and they began reverting to a more primitive state. Without a strong hand to guide them, they began to act according to their base instincts. This was a dark period for the Lands, during which much knowledge was lost. The history of the Ancients soon became a myth and their reign a legend. However, nature took its course, and the people began to regain some of their lost knowledge. This was the time of the great travelers, but exploration meant racial wars. Uprisings began to spread across the Lands, plunging them into chaos. Many cultures were annihilated during this period, which lasted for nearly a millennium. Ultimately acceptance and tolerance between the four dominant races led to peace and the formation of the White Alliance. However, during the wars, magic had been set loose: magic unhealthy and nefarious. Soon this malicious magic found a home within the Dark One, leader of the dark army, and a terrible union of chaos and destruction was forged.

Now the dark armies have gathered to attack Gladstone, a center for education and magic in the Lands, which has been staunchly defended by the White Alliance for three generations. Rumors speak of a dark power, which the seer Draracle has predicted will destroy Gladstone and the White Alliance.

An emissary arrives at the Keep. He informs King Richard, ruler over Gladstone, that Scotia (an evil old hag) has found the Nether Mask. Richard is very disturbed by the news and is bent on destroying Scotia. Meanwhile, Scotia has also dug up a magical ring enabling her to transform into any shape she chooses. Now more powerful than ever, she vows to make Richard pay.

After this short intro movie, the game prompts you to choose a champion to defend Gladstone and serve the king. You can choose between a magician, a fighter, and an assassin, or play as a warrior who is a mix of them all. Once you have selected your character, King Richard orders you to come to the throne room. After wandering beside the castle walls for a while, you find His Majesty and receive your orders: you must retrieve the Ruby of Truth from Roland’s estate in the South Lands.

Now your quest really begins.

During the game, you will team up with different characters in your quest to kill Scotia. Gameplay is mouse-based, which really makes the interface easy to use. The game’s graphics are characteristic of Westwood - hand-drawn and very beautiful. It is clear that when the team set out to make another RPG (after Eye Of The Beholder), they were aiming to create a masterpiece. The game has speech and sound effects included. King Richard is voiced by Patrick Stewart, who is simply marvelous. The rating of 5 needs no further justification.

File Type:TrickStyle archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains TrickStyle files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Acclaim Games Inc.

TrickStyle is a video game released on September 30, 1999 for the Sega Dreamcast and PC, developed by Criterion Games and published by Acclaim. The game is based around the concept of "hoverboarding" and is set in the future. It features future metropolis versions of London, Tokyo, and Manhattan Island. The player can race or do stunts through these areas or in the Velodrome, a massive practice area.

File Type:Final Fantasy VIII archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains Final Fantasy VIII game files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Final Fantasy VIII

Company / developer:

Final Fantasy VIII is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for Sony's PlayStation in 1999 as part of the Final Fantasy series. It was released for Microsoft's Windows-based personal computers in 2000. The game's story focuses on a group of young mercenaries who are drawn into an international conflict, and seek to protect the world from a sorceress manipulating the war for her own purposes.

Final Fantasy VIII is a departure from many traditional standards of the Final Fantasy series. It is the first game in the series to consistently use realistically proportioned characters, the first to feature a vocal piece as its theme music, and one of the only titles to deviate from the series' traditional means of increasing a character's power. In addition, it does not have a magic point-based system for spellcasting.

File Type:Zanzarah game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Game archive contains game files (maps, graphics, music, sounds, textures) for Zanzarah.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Funatics Software GmbH

This is the enthralling story of two worlds ... the world of fantasy and the world as we know it. Once upon a time, these two were one, but now they exist separately, unaware that there ever was a connection between them.

But there is one person capable of reuniting the two worlds: An 18-year-old girl who as yet knows nothing of her powers and her importance for both realms.

Lead this girl from the trials of everyday life into a world of fantasy, magic and battle.

Explore the realm of the fairies and learn to use your heroine's increasing powers to find the fairies and to conquer them. For these fairies shall enter the arena on your behalf, whenever goblins or other magical creatures block your path.

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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC